When you graduate college, or finish a college program, your time as a student has only begun. As Harvey Mackay once said “A student of life considers the world a classroom.” You have to constantly learn and educate yourself on a daily basis, not just during a two- or four-year period of your life. These […]
My 10 Best Pieces of Career Advice for College Graduates
Giving advice to college graduates is extremely important to me because I was one of them and even though the economy was better back in 2006, it took me eight months to find a marketing job. I succeeded because I started six months before graduation, collected eight internships, seven leadership positions on campus and graduated […]
5 Reasons Why You Don’t Have a Strong Professional Network
I was always afraid of networking when I was growing up, not just because I was an introvert, but because I just didn’t feel right asking for a job from someone I didn’t really know. I met a lot of people, yet I didn’t know how to provide value to them and ask for help […]
10 Lessons I Learned That Changed My Life
I woke up in the middle of the night last night thinking about how I got to where I am now and what others can learn from my story. I typed out ten different lessons on my new iPad that I think will resonate with anyone, regardless of age and profession. If you think of […]
Why I Accept All LinkedIn Contact Requests
I’ve had numerous speaking engagements since 2006 where I’ve touched on how job seekers, employees, entrepreneurs and students can leverage LinkedIn for career and business success. In these presentations, I always mention that you should accept all of your LinkedIn contact requests even if you don’t know the person. There’s always a lot of criticism […]