When you graduate college, or finish a college program, your time as a student has only begun. As Harvey Mackay once said “A student of life considers the world a classroom.” You have to constantly learn and educate yourself on a daily basis, not just during a two- or four-year period of your life. These […]
Take Control Of Your Own Learning Experience
It’s your responsibility to get the most out of your college experience as possible. If you sit around and think that your school is going to just pass you and trade you a degree for a job, you will be very disappointed. The good news is, there’s never been a better time to take charge […]
Students Can’t Rely On Career Centers To Get Jobs
Gone are the days that students can rely on their college career centers to prepare them for the real world — now it’s on them. Students have to be accountable for their careers and seek out events, alumni and opportunities on their own. In a new study by my company and Internmatch.com, we found that […]
The Top 10 Workplace Trends for 2014
I gave you my top trends for 2013 and now it’s time to look ahead to 2014. The economy is showing no signs of getting better and now with Obamacare next year, there are going to be some major changes. 2014 will be a slow period, where a lot of major workplace issues will surface and executives […]
Companies Should Hire a Career Services Director For Millennials
All of my research and conversations with millennials lead me believe that companies need to start investing in their career education. My latest study with Monster.com shows that 33% of millennials select training and development opportunities as being the most important when considering working for a company. Only 24% of millennials are satisfied with their […]
The Rise of College Alternatives
I wrote an article for The Huffington Post about why college isn’t for everyone. There are other alternatives to college that might be better suited for those who are more entrepreneurial, can’t afford the high tuition rates and want to create their own educational experience. You can start a business, educate yourself by learning online […]