Emotional Intelligence Is the Key to Millennials’ Success Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has been crucial to my success as a millennial in business. EQ is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others. It’s an asset that I didn’t even name at first as it’s not as quantitative a skill as math or science, […]
The 5 New Rules For Career Success [Video]
Here is a video clip from my recent presentation at the annual ASTD Conference in Dallas this year talking about the new rules for career success. I talk about how you have to be accountable for your own career, how everyone is a free agent, how you have to expand your role at work, that […]
Gen Y Rockstar Series: William Connolly
This is the fourth post in a series spotlighting top Gen Y’s who are rocking the corporate world. Funny Business: Building Soft Skills Through Comedy “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy.” Do you know where that nugget of wisdom comes from? If you guessed Miss Frizzle of The Magic School Bus, Generation-Y’s de facto substitute […]
Gen Y Rockstar Series: Sonie Guseh
This is the third post in a series spotlighting top Gen Y’s who are rocking the corporate world. Veering off the path As an extreme planner, it was pretty weird for me to decide not to continue with the goal I’d been working toward for so many years — in fact, it was downright out […]
74 Of The Most Interesting Facts About Millennials
Throughout the years, I’ve collected some of the most interesting primary and secondary research related to the millennial generation (also termed Gen Y). These stats shed lights on how the economy has affected their lives, their values, how they view the workplace, their consumer and investing habits, political views and entrepreneurial spirit. Here is my […]
Gen Y Rockstar Series: Laura Petti
This is the second post in a series spotlighting top Gen Y’s who are rocking the corporate world. Career Risks Pay Off In my personal opinion, in order to get ahead in your career, you first need to get your head in the game. Now, I’m not talking about worrying and agonizing over which move […]
Video: Gen Y in the Workplace
I sat down with my friend and fellow millennial, Shama Kabani, to talk about how millennials are impacting the corporate world. I finally met her after five years in Dallas at the annual ASTD Conference. In the interview, I expose some of the more interesting trends I’m seeing and my predictions for where the workplace […]
Gen Y Rockstar Series: Mallory McMorrow
This is the first post in a series spotlighting top Gen Y’s who are rocking the corporate world. How Facebook Changed My Life I’m the product of Facebook. Now, I know what you’re thinking. We’re all products of Facebook, right? We all waste countless hours a day checking in on everyone – friends from high […]
Turn Yourself Into a Case Study
A lot of people are stuck in their careers or have failed to establish their careers in this terrible economy. The unemployment rate has been stagnant and the competition is endless. When I first started my career, I realized very quickly that it would be hard to get my first internship, consulting gig and job […]
My 10 Best Pieces of Career Advice for College Graduates
Giving advice to college graduates is extremely important to me because I was one of them and even though the economy was better back in 2006, it took me eight months to find a marketing job. I succeeded because I started six months before graduation, collected eight internships, seven leadership positions on campus and graduated […]
The Age of Career Diversification
Gone are the days when you can rely on one source of income to survive. There is no secure full-time job anymore because the economy is too unpredictable and there are many external factors that you can’t control. You can’t control if your company goes into bankruptcy or if it’s acquired or even if they […]
How Our Risk Averse Society Kills Creativity
The easiest way to get a record deal from a major label is by already selling out tours, collaborating with major “brand name” artists and selling a million singles and albums. The easiest way to get a book deal is by having thousands of people already wanting a copy, already being a regular on Fox […]
Job Hopping is Now Part of Career Management
You don’t see professionals staying with one company for life anymore. When I meet people who have been with their employer for more than five years, I’m usually surprised. Job hopping has become part of how we manage our careers because the economy is volatile, there are pay incentives for switching employers and people are […]
Welcome to the Age of Personal Innovation
I was recently inspired by Thomas Friedman’s latest New York Times column entitled “Need a Job? Invent It.” What I believe this article tells us is that we have to become innovators of our own careers. Companies have always needed to innovate in order to stay relevant and competitive in their marketplace, but now so […]
We All Have a 24 Hour Work Day
Business goes on with or without us. It’s always happening, not just between the hours of 9 and 5. As a result of new technology and globalization, the lines between your office life and home life have blurred. When we leave work, we’re still working. When we’re at work, we’re texting our friends. Work is […]